Indonesia Kerinci (Subscription)

Regular price $16.00
In 2016, our sourcing & green buying team took a trip to Indonesia with the goal of connecting with quality driven farms & co-ops for new offerings. While there, we attended the first ever Barista Guild blind cupping held in the country. At this cupping, two phenomenal coffees stood out. The first became the Solok- a Vigilante exclusive that quickly became a fan favorite. Now, we proudly present to you the second of those phenomenal cups, Kerinci. Using a tradionally Latin American process of washing & fermenting, Kerinci is one of the cleanest cups you'll find in the West Sumatran region. With notes of cacao nibs, dark chocolate, prune, and a velvety body throughout the experience, satisfaction is all but guaranteed. In addition to being a stellar cup on its own, we've transitioned to using Kerinci as a component in our Tin Lizzie espresso blend. Also, by obtaining this coffee in a direct trade, we've maintained a long term substantial relationship with the farm that results in higher quality coffee, a higher premium paid for the coffee, leading to higher pay for the farmers, and for you, the customer, one hell of a cup of coffee.
FarmKerinci Co-Op
Altitude1200-1500 Meters
VarietalsAndung Sari
Production MethodWashed